Established in November 2013, The Sportsman Enduro Karting Club of Queensland Inc., also known as SEKQLD, is a Queensland based entity whose primary function is the running, promoting and governing of endurance kart racing in the Sunshine State.
Endurance Racing is different from any other form of motorsport.
Widely recognised for not only its technical challenges, this form of racing is a true test of a driver’s mental and physical capabilities as well as the most important facet; teamwork.
My mate is involved in…
My mate is involved in karting in Queensland. And he's really enjoying it. You correctly point out that it takes a lot of effort. Endurance racing is really not easy. My mate was telling me that it is very hard to relax after the race is over. That's how intense the race is. is their page and it's not a dead page, it's updated regularly. And there are some impressive pictures!